Foxhole Perspective Archive

Life After Discharge

Hey Sports Fans! Sorry for the radio silence but OPSEC, haha. Life is always changing and presenting me with challenges. My core values keep me stable: L oyalty, D uty, R espect, S elfless Service, H onor, I ntegrity, and P ersonal Courage. Yes, LeaDeRSHIP! What is Life After Discharge? There is no, ...

Cancer Journey Part 3

Wow, where has the time gone? Last time I was talking with you it was late summer and now here it is the year end holiday season. During the last leg of my journey I was a newlywed and had moved from Georgia to Illinois. It didn’t take long before my family started growing. During my short marriage ...

Cancer Journey Part 2

Yawn, stretch, ok left vector clear, right vector clear, now where was I? Oh yeah, I had just underwent 5 ½ weeks of radiation therapy at maximum cord dose plus a 500 boost! I went to radiation therapy every day on my lunch hour. I was actually serving on active duty in support of the Army Reserve ...

Cancer Journey Part 1

As I look out my foxhole this morning I’m taken back in time. You see I was in my early thirties, with a lot of life before me, when a moment came and stopped me on a dime. I spent most of the next day, staring at the x-rays and wondering Why Me? Cancer? I can’t have cancer. What the hell is an ...

The Foxhole Perspective

As I look out my foxhole this morning I am confused and anxious. My battlefield has been altered and I can no longer easily identify “friend or foe”. I scratch my head and reflect upon my training. I recall my General Orders: I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only ...